Ex Strongest Swordsman 77 (Self Edited) – The Royal Academy Entrance Exam

Another chapter of Ex Strongest Swordsman is out!   


Greetings everyone.

Kindly be informed that this is a self edited chapter. Please wait for the edited version, but if you still want to read it, you may do so by clicking this link.

(In the case the link is not working and I may not be available to fix it, please click the second page button just before the comment section.)

PS: I’m going back to hometown tomorrow. Let me apologize first if I can’t post any new chapter until Tuesday.

Kindly whitelist my website on your adblock/noscript if possible. Thank you. 🙂

Do enjoy! 😀

14 thoughts on “Ex Strongest Swordsman 77 (Self Edited) – The Royal Academy Entrance Exam

  1. Blackysensei Post author

    Thanks for the translation as always, btw it’s “did i overdo this” no need for the ing, and isn’t it weird for the author to hide soma’s name while let the new character name appear b4 she introduce herself, shouldn’t it be the other way around?


    1. bayabusco Post author

      Fixed and thanks. 😀

      FYI, the name of the speaker doesn’t appear in the raw. It’s just my own initiative to put the name. Each of the characters has their own speaking style, but since I can’t translate other than standard English, it is better if I put the speaker’s name after each conversation.


  2. Brin Post author

    What is amusing is that the examiner will probably believe he used magic, since ‘of course’ one cannot destroy a magic-reinforced wall with just a single swing of a sword. 🙂 Then he will get in class and be struggling to pass, to the astonishment of the teachers.

    On a side note, I’m glad all the girls will be present, although I wonder how they managed to allowance for Aina. My guess is that she is pretending to be human and hiding her non-human traits.



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